The wilfman cometh

Friday, 9 May 2008

Satisfying enough to ignore the date?

I am always fed up with lefties (especially in Ireland...where I'm from) waxing lyrical about how great everything is in socialist Scandinavia; where they apparently have their cake and eat it with their brilliant public services, generous welfare state; funded by high levels of taxation that somehow don't diminish the overall wealth of these great countries (ahem!).

So I was delighted to find this article in the NY Times painting a somewhat different and more balanced picture.

Then I saw that the article was dated 2005.

That took the lustre off it somewhat....but I still feel cheered up!

Twine - not all its cracked up to be?

I recently received a beta invite (after a few months waiting) to Twine.

On the face of it, Twine would appears to be an enhanced social bookmarking site.

But what makes it(potentially) significant is Radar Networks claim that Twine is "the first mainstream applications of the Semantic Web, or what is sometimes referred to as Web 3.0." . In a nutshell, what that means is that Twine as an application attempts to automatically read and understand the content submitted to it and relate it to other content in terms of meaning, subjects etc

I think its a little too early to self anoint itself as "mainstream" site/application. While it has a rather impressive number of beta users, the range of content submitted to it is rather limited; much of it related to Artificial Intelligence and various areas related to the semantic web. Then again most, of these social bookmarking sites are dominated by tech content.

Also I think the extent to which Twine is truly a semantic web application is debatable (what exactly a semantic web application is, is also debatable). Right now it just seems to read tags and summaries for certain pages although I do think there is the potential for it to do more as the volume of content on the site increases.

Amidst all that vague negativity though, I admire Twines ambition and I have found it quite enjoyable to be involved in the early days of such an application and witness it evolve

I'm back, or at least I intend to return

Its time I got back to updating this blog..

....especially now that I have the time to do so!