This is a spin off or continuation of a previous
blog I started on the concept of
wilfing; the practice of aimlessly surfing the web. While I liked to idea and desperately wanted to make an effort, after 2 posts in 6 months, I felt that it wasn't really working out with wilf-owi.
So what will be different about this blog?
In theory, not much.
There will be some changes. While the two posts at wilfer concentrated on the practice of wilfing, the scope of this blog will be a little wider; namely everything....or at least anything that I encounter on the web and feel is worthy of comment.
Admittedly, the previous blog was to evolve in that manner, but again in a more constrained manner. I don't particularly want to constrain myself. Authorities on successful blogging would seem to advocate that concentrating on a single topic or niche is more conducive to success; and perhaps they are right. But following an evolution that has occurred in my world view in the past year, I feel I should just blog and see what (shit) happens.
But this is venturing in the realms of profundity. If I'm entirely honest, the main reason for the change is that I quite like the moniker wilfman and unlike wilfer, was available!
So......let shit happen